Friday, March 5, 2010

Old Video Games

Does anyone remember the Gameboy pocket? I do.

In fact, I still have my teal-colored entertainment gizmo and play it occasionally. Question is, why do people look at me weird when I play it? Does no one remember it anymore? Or is it 'cause they do remember but wonder why anyone would still play old, outdated games?


The people who forget about their past, in this case the Gameboy pocket, will play today's modern high-definition games without any regard to the roots of video games. I'm not damning today's games (out loud) 'cause there are truly great games out there (And also some really, really horrible aneurysm-inducing ones) but just advocating the appeal of retro games. The people who never played the originals, can never fully appreciate the newer games. Games have really evolved from Pong to Pac-man to Super Mario Bros to etc., and it's important to see said evolution and its continuity from the beginning to now and in the future.

Some old games were truly tests that challenged, not only your gaming skills, but your value as a person. I mean I still haven't beaten the extra mode on the first video game I ever played 'cause it truly it one of most challenging things ever and really tests my patience and anger management especially when that one frickin' enemy comes out of nowhere and kills me when I have one two health bars left. Then, the first boss, which on normal mode is a cake walk, can kill me in only two hits, and there are so few goddamn extra lives... wait... what was I talking about again? Oh, right. Don't abandon the old, 'cause it's old and not new.

I could write a whole book on this very subject, but right now I just want to express my love for my pocket-sized cure for boredom.

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