Monday, March 29, 2010

It's an Epidemic

It has spread like wildfire. No one knows where or when it started, but before anyone knew, it was already too late. Everyone has it now...

The Pokemon Fever

Too dramatic? I think not. Ever since Heart Gold and Soul Silver, the remakes of the original Gold and Silver Pokemon games for the Gameboy, came out, everywhere I look someone is playing it on their DS. Hell, I walked into a room with 7 total people (Then 8 when I joined them) playing it. The few people that are unaffected by this phenomena are either people who don't play video games or don't own a DS.

Don't forget the new little accessory that came with it, the Pokewalker. Now, let me explain this device to those unaffected by this disease. The Pokewalker is a pedometer that comes with the game that interacts with the game itself. You can send your Pokemon into it, walk around, level up your Pokemon, find items and catch Pokemon which you send back to the real game. Take my word for it, this is highly addicting.

Personally, I think this a wonderful disease to catch. Others could argue against this, but they're wrong. At least not until they play it themselves, then they can make their judgment. I know there are obvious side effects, like lost of time that could be spend doing something else, but I never thought of video games as a waste of time, otherwise I wouldn't bother with them.

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