Friday, March 12, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Yes, I have done it. I have finally beaten the extra mode in Kirby's Dreamland! Hell to the yes!

I'll get you Wispy Woods and your evil apples, too

Now, this might sound meaningless and trite to some, but screw you. I could barely beat the regular mode when I was a little kid and that was only after a ton of continues. Extra mode was impossible for me at the time. I remembered the unbeaten extra mode a week or so ago after I picked the game up again and made a goal of beating it.

There was lotsa trial and error and cursing (Don't forget the cursing) but I won in the end. I memorized the each boss's pattern, knew where every enemy was going to pop up, and located every 1up, powerup, and maximum tomato. My reward was nothing special: an enemy showcase after the credits and the code to unlock the configuration mode and sound test. I could have looked it up online, sure, but that's not the point. I couldn't have looked it up when I was younger, so the only way for me to learn the game's secrets was to kick its nonexistent ass. Oh, and kick ass I did today. Wispy Woods, Lololo & Lalala, Kabooka, Kracko, and King DeDeDe (Don't laugh, they're tougher than their names suggest) were trounced by yours truly.

Damn this feels great. I know this is kind of simple thing to be happy about, but, eh, I can be simple sometimes. Now, what to do next...

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