Monday, February 1, 2010

I Need Sleep

A quick warning to whoever may happen upon this blog.

Don't go to sleep at six in the morning, wake up around seven, go to class at nine, and expect to function normally.

It doesn't work.

I have learned this the hard way with trial and error. Mostly error. Less trial.

It sounded like a good idea at the time (around 2 a.m.), but ultimately that decision was made on an already sleep-deprived mind that has a tendency to rationalize bad ideas quite easily and goes through with them, even though it still recognizes it as a bad idea.

It's common sense that not sleeping will make you tired, but obviously my common sense, despite knowing better, has fallen off a cliff and is in a coma. I wonder if it really was an accident? Attempted murder or perhaps, suicide? That's a question for another day.

I say all of this so you may tell your children, your children's children, and your children's children's children about this, so they do not suffer from drowsiness like what I have brought upon myself. Do this, and perhaps humanity will be one step closer to a better world or maybe not. I don't know.

I... just... don't know...

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