Monday, February 22, 2010

I Need More Sleep

Again, another lesson for future generations that I have learned the hard way, so you don't have to. If you have happened to completely ignore my suggestion for a better tomorrow involving sleeping, I shall present to thee a temporary solution to your drowsiness.


...Yes, more common sense, I know, but as I have noticed in my daily activities, common sense is not as common as it used to be. In fact, I would daresay that it is uncommon.

Back to the task at hand, caffeine has proven an excellent way to stay awake. Unfortunately, I do not drink coffee regularly. Now, to those who drink coffee every day, this needn't apply to you, but to the others, like myself who seldom partake of this earth-colored liquid, this is a warning. Coffee will, I repeat, will mess with you both physically and mentally. Your extremities will shake at regular intervals, your eyes will twitch a little, and you will begin to question everything you have ever learned and everything you haven't learned yet. Even more so if you only drink coffee in times of quiet desperation. I, myself, only imbibe the substance when I'm either stressed, depressed, sleepy, or suffering from a headache, and this revelation I share with you occurred when I was under the influence of all four combined.

So tell your children and... yadda, yadda you know the rest, or at least I hope you do. I still don't know whether or not it will help the world or not.

Also, don't do this on the night before a test. Seriously, don't do it.

O yes, for those who may be concerned, my common sense is recovering splendidly. However, it refuses to talk about the incident. I have not yet ruled out the possibility of suicide or attempted murder. Or even attempted murder disguised as suicide.

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