Friday, August 27, 2010

A Thought Just Dawned Upon Me

I know that only like three or four people have actually read this blog, and all of them are my friends who know me relatively well. The point of this short exposition is to ask...

What would someone who has never even met me think about me from reading my blog?

To make a point clear, I could care less about what 83.8 to 97.8 percent out the billions of people in the world think of me. This is more a case of intellectual curiosity than anything of that nature. I've been told by my friends who read this blog that the way I write sounds exactly like things I would say and how I would say it in real life. I know that may sound redundant (Of course it sounds like you, you fucking wrote it!), but it's harder than it looks. I am not really sure that an outsider would even partially get who I am from reading this blog. Everything that is written here is the stuff that I don't care if anyone reads, but all of the things I regard as personal or private I don't write about here or anywhere else for that matter. Even the slightly more personal posts leave out necessary details I would rather not write, and I immediately deleted that one very personal post I made one time when I was really pissed.

The Internet is one vast public form after all, and it's never a good idea to display one's entire life for all the world to see. A complete stranger would need more than the random ramblings posted here and my very brief profile info to really know who the hell I am.

I could go on with this and even add a discussion about social psychology, motivation, and personality tests, but I'm getting a little sick of how serious I'm being right now and miss the the humor a bit.

So, I'm ending this for now...

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