Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back And Slightly Better Than Ever

My plan is to go back and add posts than I probably would have written if I had actually maintained this blog over the course of the summer break and then pretend that the blog has always looked like this.

for denial!

That is all.

Now for something different.

First, I am very surprised to find that the Government class that I was kinda forced into due to circumstances I don't want to take about 'cause it depresses me is not actually that bad. It will still be a little horrible 'cause I hate the topic with a passion greater than any hate ever known to man or beast, but the teacher seems like he could make it at least mildly interesting. Plus, I assumed that because it was class about government, it would also be about politics as well. Yes and no. It's impossible to completely separate the two because politics influences government, but it's not a political science class so not as much politics as I thought there would be.

All of my other classes are going to be a ton of work but fun as hell, except for the class that shall not be named 'cause it depresses me. Other than that, it will be awesome.

Oh, and I have no class on Fridays, which is good since the rest of the week except Monday will be so full, I doubt I will receive much sleep. On Fridays I can crash and hopefully not burn.

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