Friday, September 17, 2010

Not Your Average Fairy Tale

I just had this crazy awesome idea to take my top seven words off and write a short nonsensical story. It's both challenging and fun. This sounds like a potential assignment for a creative writing class. 

Anyway... let's get this started.




Okay, I've got something.

Once upon a time, specifically WWII Germany, an airgonaut was flying through the air in his biplane, 'cause that's what airgonauts do, when his plane was shot down by some Nazis. He survived, but his plane was toast. He was in quite a predicament. Without a plane, how could he call himself an airgonaut? He wasn't all that worried though, 'cause he saw himself flying a plane again in the future using his essomenic powers he gained from secret British experiments on psychic abilities that were never mentioned in the history books.  However, he didn't know how he got a new plane in the future. Suddenly, he remembered that the biplane he was flying was one of the ones the Nazis used, so he figured out that he must have stole it from the Nazis!

Now having a concrete plan with absolutely no holes in it whatsoever, he dawned a fake moustache he had prepared ahead of time just in case something like this happened and traveled on foot to Berlin. Once he arrived at the cynicocratical (at the time) capital of Germany, he blended in seamlessly with the German citizens. Confident in his xenization, he didn't look where he was going and walked right into a Nazi officer and his escort. The Nazi officer was outraged and demanded to know who the airgonaut was. The airgonaut was in a pickle. Even though the airgonaut knew enough German to get by, he didn't know the icasm the officer used, so he tried somehow to talk his way out it with his very limited German. 

Unfortunately his quibbleism didn't fool the Nazi officer who knew that any real Berlin citizen would have understood his icasm. With his cover blow, the airgonaut decided to say, "Screw it", headbutted the escort, and stole his StG 44 assault rifle. The Nazi officer tried to shoot him with his Walther PPK 7.65 semi auto pistol, but the airgonaut kicked the officer in the place that houses a man's soul (Ya know the place). With his newly obtained weapon, he proceeded to moderncide (at the time)  the officer and his escort and ran towards the air base blindly firing his weapon wildly in the air. Somehow, he made it to a plane with no injuries on his part and only thirty Nazis killed. And what luck, the former pilot left the keys in the plane!

So, the airgonaut finally made it back to sky and lived happily ever after... until his own allies shot his plane down  'cause they thought he was the enemy, and he crashed into the Alps


I really don't know exactly what this was.

Well, anyway, I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I had fun writing it, and if you didn't, well that's too bad.

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